Events & Retreats — Upstream | Applied Mindfulness

Learn mindfulness and strengthen your practice

Beginning or maintaining the practice of mindfulness on your own can be challenging. That’s why Upstream is dedicated to providing opportunities for you to practice with others, through formal and informal ways that complement and support your personal practice. Along the way, you’ll uncover unexpected insights, new friends, and lasting memories.


Workshops and Classes

Hybrid MBSR Course

Two options: In-Person or ONLINE (ZOOM)

Orientation: TUESDAY, FEBruary 8, Koelbel library, 6:00 - 7:30 pm

Founded on 40 years of rigorous research, the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course is the acknowledged gold standard in the field of modern mindfulness training. Upstream’s MBSR Course is taught by professionally trained instructors who deliver the unabridged MBSR program with fidelity to the authorized curriculum.

By enrolling in this course, you are setting an intention to support your better health and well-being.

Your registration includes the required Orientation and All-Day Retreat. Learn More →

MBSR Teacher Community

Online via Zoom Videoconference

Friday Mornings, 7:00 Am MDT


Each Friday session is an opportunity for meditation teachers on the MBSR training path to gather for further guidance and support. These sessions are facilitated by experienced MBSR teachers and include time for meditation practice and discussion.

Friday Wind-Downs

Online via Zoom Videoconference

Every 2nd and 4th Friday of the montH, 8:00 Pm MT


Each Friday, guided meditation sessions will assist you to "come home" at the end of the week and provide the perfect opportunity for further guidance and support. Each is teacher-led and will include time for meditation practice and discussion.


Retreats and Meetups

Community Online Guided Meditation Drop-Ins

THursdays, 6-7:00 pm

No prior meditation experience is needed. Plenty of modifications and tips will be offered to assist you in understanding and working with many of the common obstacles encountered in meditation practice. Bring your curiosity and questions! Learn more →

Retreat @ Home: Live Online Half-Day Retreat

saturday, FEBRUARY 19, 9:30 Am - 1:30 PM MDT


Mindfulness is a beneficial social contagion. By centering and grounding ourselves in the practices of meditation, yoga, and reflection, we offer our steadiness and presence in a way that can actually "be catchy" to others. Join the community for a half-day experience of guided meditation, mindful movement, and walking meditation. Learn More →


Get in touch

Have something in mind?

We welcome your ideas! We love collaborating with our community to develop new programs and events.